Man, Am I Blessed…

Today had a great beginning. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. I got to visit Tyler Alfriend and THEN, I got to meet Kylee Bornhorst!! Man, what a great morning to see two of my heroes!! Heroes you say? Yes, heroes. They are two of the most level headed, positive young people that I have met in a VERY long time. I am blessed by every visit that I have with Tyler and now, Kylee!! They made my day today. I would encourage each of you to visit their sites and read what these two incredible young people are going through and how they are moving through their journeys in dealing with their cancers. Life is not fair. It is bad enough that people my age and older have to suffer, but young people at the ages of 15 and 19, come on. Life is not fair, but these two have chosen to be positive and fight back. Yes, they are my heroes.

I thank God every day that I am tolerating my own treatments as well as I am. Yes, my chemo weeks are not fun at all, but I am not going through nearly the trials that these two are going through. So, visit their sites, let them know you are praying for them! They will make it and I am excited to see them through to the finish line!

As Tyler would say, FIGHT TO WIN!!